Monday, September 9, 2019

Lecture Analysis & Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lecture Analysis & Plan - Essay Example Added to that, while some of the students have a health and life sciences background, obtained from courses taken at the university or high school, approximately half of the students had not. To further complicate matters, there are quite a few non-native speakers in the group numbering approximately nine. The implications of the aforementioned group characteristics are pertinent to lecture delivery and subsequent group absorption/assimilation, insofar as it means that some students have a pre-existing understanding of the material, while others do not, just as some will find the linguistic comprehension of the lecture quite challenging, while others will not. As for the lectures themselves, they are delivered in a large group lecture room in the science building. The lecture room is fitted with a number of technical visual aides. The diversity which characterizes this particular group means that group members have different learning styles and will respond best to particular teaching approaches. It is, accordingly, contingent upon the lecturer to vary his learning style as a strategy for reaching out to the audience and facilitating their understanding of lecture content. Some students are not cognizant of the university-level learning skills they need to develop, such as recognition of key lecture points, note-taking, critical thinking, and independent learning, such as which requires that they pursue independent learning and reading on lecture topics (Leonard, 2002). Conduct mini evaluation of lecture at the end so the lecturer will get an idea of how the students felt about the teaching/learning experience (these ideas have been produced from the authors own experience as a student & clinical teacher). Pace lectures so as not to cram too much information in too short a time, culminating in much of that information simply passing students by. In other words, â€Å"try to teach less, so students learn more† (Bligh, 2000, p. 216). Remind

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