Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Nurses Role in Supporting the Organizations Agenda Essay

Running head: The Nurse’s Role in Supporting Application 1 The Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda NURS 6022 Alisa Gafeney Walden University May 7, 2011 The Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda Nurses are on the front lines of patient care, as delivery of care relies heavily on the nurse to provide excellent patient outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the nurse’s role as a supporter of an organization’s strategic plan from the perspective of a quality manager. Summary of the Interview The interview was conducted with†¦show more content†¦In healthcare or any other occupation where high-risk procedures take place, a small slip or error could lead to a cascade of non linear responses resulting in a catastrophic event (Kemper Boyle, 2009). Jennifer felt that having engaged nurses who are educated on how to prevent errors along with a leadership team that helps to streamline processes, is the answer to improving nursing’s contribution to the organization’s strategic agenda. The previous statement about engaged nurses also goes along with the IOM’s (Institute of Medicine) proposed six national quality a ims which include patient care being centered, effective, timely, efficient, equitable and safe (Wolf, D., Lehman, C., Quinlin, R., Rosenzweig, M., Friede, S., Zullo, T., et al., 2008). Impact on Nursing Practice This interview was very informative to me as I am a nursing supervisor. It is my responsibility to provide my nursing team with ways to become engaged as nurses and to get them to realize the impact that they have on the hospital’s strategic agenda. I believe that teamwork is very important as interdisciplinary teamwork is central to the delivery of holistic and coordinated primary care (O’Neil Cowman, 2008). The fact that nurses have so much input into hospital organizations gives me a sense of pride and inspires me to improve my own nursing care to ensure that it is in tune with the hospital’sShow MoreRelatedThe New York State Nurses Association1217 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to American Nurses Association [ANA] (2013), advocacy is the key el ement in the nursing profession and during lobby day, nurse s expertise is valued and acknowledged in the policy development process. To further analyze the significance of lobbying day, this paper will identify the purpose of the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), describe one issue, identify the behavioral characteristics of the group leader, describe the discussion, and analyze alternative strategies for theRead MoreThe Progress Of Doctor Of Nursing Practice ( Dnp ) Degree And Its Place Originated Over 10 Years Ago873 Words   |  4 PagesDiffusion of Innovation Theory is used to trace the history of the DNP. 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